Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cross Country Runner Dies in Car Accident- r.i.p Patrick Mizwicki

#1: Like any other normal high school student, Patrick Mizwicki loved sports, and was an avid runner on Lincoln Way East High's cross country team. While running through a forest preserve in Chicago, Mizwicki was tragically hit by a car and later passed away at Christ Medical Center.

#2: Numerous Chicagoland newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, are broadcasting the tragic loss of polite, cross country runner Patrick Mizwicki, who was killed in a car accident late on Thursday. The driver of the car was not speeding, however. Mizwicki was loved by his team, and was the youngest of 8 children. A candle light vigil at his high school's track will be held today in his memory.,0,2358615.story

#3: Although he is no longer here physically, the remembrance of a person through photographs allows us to retain a clear memory of their lost one, which in turn opens a door to cherished memories and events associated with their loved one.

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