Monday, September 26, 2011

#3 Visual Rhetoric

This picture displays disoriented and panicked Japanese civilians in the aftermath of Typhoon Roke, which caused severe flooding and mudslides across Japan. The effect of displaying knee high water depicts struggle, whether it be due to natural disaster or any other aspect of life. The upward angle on the citizens induces a sense of hope and perseverance in the hearts of the Japanese who were pummeled by Typhoon Roke. By showing civilians carrying their belongings, or what is left of them, in plastic bags, the photographer creates a sense of sympathy in the viewer, who could associate themselves as being in the shoes of the unfortunate refugees.


  1. Excellent image, Taylor. Look at other features of rhetoric? Note colors? other details? juxtaposition? Is there another purpose outside of creating sympathy?

    Mr. Heller

  2. Taylor--
    Have you posted for marking period 2? please advise.

    Mr. Heller


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